I was sick today. I generally try not to come in, but it was just the beginnings of a head cold, with a very sore throat.
I talked to the class by typing out messages on the projector screen. Everyone worked together and no one got too loud.
My heart was bursting with happiness and pride. I seriously love my 9th grade class. They ran their own Socratic seminar. They had intelligent, coherent, important discussions on their own. They were respectful, awesome and friendly toward each other. They were also respectful to me today. Thank you guys. Wow. I love teaching, and I love this class!
Some of the class asked me to post my "conversation" with them on the blog. Here you go. It probably won't make much sense, unless you were there. I started by showing them a picture of me with my younger brother and sister making snowmen with my grandpa.
Class, thanks again for being AWESOME.
(PS - I didn't correct grammar or spelling. Might as well keep it authentic.)
Here’s a picture of me playing in the snow with my brother and sister. I’m on the left. LOL
Okay, so I’m sick today. My throat is KILLING me. I was going to call in sick, but I didn’t want to leave Mele with 52 kids… on a Friday.
May I continue?
So…we’re going to need to work together today. Here’s the plan. We’re going to do a 5 senses writing after this, cuz WEX takes too much talking out of me.
After that we will read silently (you have a LOT of reading homework for this weekend.)
Yay reading you mean.
Going on
After lunch, we will do the Socratic seminar, which is YOU talking, not me. Sweet, huh?
I’m going ahhhhhh
I’m going to need you to take on roles for the Socratic seminar, but I’ll assign them later, cool?
Does anyone have any questions right now though?
I’ll show you in one sec
I’m good
Anyone else?
Any more questions?
Yes Kahli?
What do you think?
Probably 5
Okay, ready to move on? Let’s look at homework
Oh yes, and you should have checked powerschool by now to see if I marked you as a zero for not turning your first draft.
I haven’t had time to grade them all, but I’ll have them done by Monday.
Now, if you could get out a blank piece of paper, AH HEM , that’s my job thank you brendon
Those vignettes being turned in now are late, just fyi
Please get out a piece of paper. Date it and write 5 senses: hearing
Okay, now that you are ready. No clue.
Now that you are ready, I’m going to play a little piece. It’s about 5 minutes. I’m going to turn off the screen, though the light will stay on, so the speakers works. Strange I know.
I want you to listen to what you hear and write about it. You can write as you are listening, so for about five minutes. Any questions?
Yes, even words if you need to, as opposed to complete sentences. Just write!
Happpy birthday dude.
Wait until after the writing (like WEX)
Here we go
Great job everyone!
It was http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-KWL20ux24&feature=related LOL
The picture never changes
Listen to it when you get home with headphones. SCARY. There are a lot of virtual 3-D sounds on Youtube like this. Like in a barbershop. So cool. It sounds like he’s right behind you talking.
I just wanted to let you know that (and you’re not going to like this) on Monday when you come in, first thing, we have a test to take.
:insert groans:
:groans continue:
Okay, it’s not for this class. It’s the PLAN test. At this school we only :Right Anthony:
At this school we only give tests to help with funding, not to test you and your ability. If we had a choice, we would not give these tests. Period. But we needs the monies! LOL OMG OKYTHXBYE ROFL
So…..it’s actually really important that you try to do a good job. Not because we’re going to judge you…but because we need the whole school to do a good job, to help us out.
Yeah, for money dude. This school doesn’t grow money in the back you know.
The 9th and 10th grades are taking it. I don’t know anything about the middle school. I don’t keep up to date on them. Just general reading comprehension and yadda yadda yadda. Maybe math stuff, I don’t know. I know you’ll do fine. Sorry. L
So I’ll only have you for one hour on Monday, and Mele for one hour too.
Cool? Well sorry, but cool anyway.
Okay, moving on.
Any more questions before I sign off?
There will be a minimum day on SLCs.
Student led conferences.Ohh the 29th is my favorite number.