Thursday, August 28, 2008

Your Class Blogs!

Hello Class! I've used one of Bloggers' new Gadgets to post your blogs on my Blog List to the left of the screen. By now you should all have your Google Readers set up and be getting updates anytime we post something new.

Don't forget to comment on your classmate's blogs. If you see someone who doesn't have a comment yet, stop by their page and say hello!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

30 Things You Didn't Know About Me

  1. I was an Alaskan All-star Cheerleader.

  2. I have three brothers and three sisters.

  3. There are about 15-20 words that I consistently mispell (mispell is one of them!)

  4. I've crossed into the Artic Circle.

  5. I've driven a car in Australia (they drive on the wrong side of the road.)

  6. I live on a sailboat.

  7. I saw the house that Anne Frank hid in.

  8. I don't have any birthmarks.

  9. I have abnormally large pupils.

  10. I'm related to Davy Crockett

  11. I have a motorcycle license and love to ride them!

  12. I can speak French and Spanish.

  13. I've never won a snarfing contest.

  14. I have met President Clinton and President Fox of Mexico.

  15. I can't stand to have long fingernails. I clip them all the time!

  16. I play World of Warcraft, and really like it.

  17. I've never been able to apply make-up well.

  18. I don't trust people who don't like chocolate (soy)milk.

  19. I've been a vegetarian for fourteen years.

  20. I'm starting to eat meat again.

  21. I was raised Mormon.

  22. I've read thousands of books.

  23. I have traveled to Australia, Brazil, Nicaragua, Mexico, England, Scotland, France, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and Belgium.

  24. Peonies are my favorite flower.

  25. I'm getting married in two months.

  26. I really wanted Hillary Clinton to win.

  27. In my first journal entry, when I was eight years old, I said I wanted to be a teacher.

  28. I was named after my grandmother and greatgrandmother.

  29. is my favorite number.

  30. Clue was the first movie I watched twice in one sitting.